Mumbling about computers

Hacking the HG659

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I want to have internet usage data from my router as it cannot be put in bridge mode. I currently use the services of T-Mobile (NL).

Investigating the data

These 'smart' people decided to do a POST that never returns. I guess that's to avoid people like me trying to get the data out of the browser easily with the dev tools.

I inspected the button and saw it is calling postData(). The relevant part of the function is below:


postData: function() {
    this.content.set("UserName", $("#index_username").val());
    this.content.set("Password", $("#password").val());
    if (check_username_password_if_blank()) {
        return 0
    var a = utilGetCsrf();
    var c = {
        csrf: a,
        data: utilGetJson(this.content)
    var b = this.content.get("UserName") + base64Encode(SHA256(this.content.get("Password"))) + a.csrf_param + a.csrf_token;["Password"] = SHA256(b);$.toJSON(c), function(d) {
        # ....


function utilGetCsrf() {
    if (g_csrf_obj){
        return g_csrf_obj;
    var csrf_obj = {};
    var metas = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
    var m;
    for(m = 0 ; m < metas.length; m++) {
      if (metas[m].getAttribute('name') === 'csrf_param') {
        csrf_obj.csrf_param = metas[m].getAttribute('content');
    for(m = 0 ; m < metas.length; m++){
      if (metas[m].getAttribute('name') === 'csrf_token') {
        csrf_obj.csrf_token = metas[m].getAttribute('content');
    return csrf_obj;

This router has some "security" measurements, all of the json outputs that this gives are surrounded by while(1);/* and */.


I rewrote this code in python

def _hash(user, password, csrf_param, csrf_token):
    _pwd_hash = sha256(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().encode('ascii')
    _b64 = base64.b64encode(_pwd_hash).decode('ascii')
    _b = user + _b64 + csrf_param + csrf_token
    _b = _b.encode('utf-8')
    return sha256(_b).hexdigest()

def find_csrf(html):
    csrf = {}
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    for meta in soup.find_all('meta'):
        if 'name' in meta.attrs and 'csrf' in meta.attrs['name']:
            key = meta.attrs['name']
            value = meta.attrs['content']
            csrf[key] = value
    return csrf


I needed a way to test if my _hash function was correct, fortunately the router serves the web interface via plain http, so mitmproxy was enough to steal a few csrf_token and csrf_param, together with the final result.


The actual flow of info to get the data out of the router is:

  • GET / (for the original csrf_token and csrf_param and the cookie)
  • POST /api/system/user_login (with the csrf values, user and password (hashed), together with the cookie)
  • GET /api/ntwk/wan_st (with the csrf values, together with the cookie)
  • Parse the "json" that's given by the router.
